Other anti-plagiarism solutions in the market use outdated methods and technologies, and that`s why there are thousands of “cheat guides” that say the easiest way to outsmart them is to paraphrase the text.
With our AI machine learning algorithms, we add a new dimension to plagiarism checking – paraphrase detection. Thanks to this capability, we are able to detect various forms of plagiarism that go far beyond the one-to-one word matching. These abilities make a real difference and provide much more certainty and surgical precision in determining whether or not a text is plagiarized. While other solutions can identify a simple paraphrase of singular words, or even short sentences, we examine texts as a whole and understands natural language, allowing it to detect plagiarism even if 50% of the text has been edited.
We support over 100 languages (including Asian languages), in more file types, quicker, and deliver significantly better results.
In addition, our anti-plagiarism solution is also able to identify plagiarism in computer code. Supporting over 15 different languages such as C# , Java, Python, PHP and more, we can identify if a piece of code was copied from somewhere on the internet, and let you know from where.